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October 23rd and 24th,

Grand Hyatt Sao Paulo
Avenida das Nações Unidas, 13301 - Itaim Bibi - Sao Paulo - SP - 04578-000

About the event

Recognized as one of the most prestigious technical events in the sugar and ethanol sector, the traditional DATAGRO International Conference on Sugar and Ethanol, presents itself as the only one of its magnitude, globally, to address the most relevant issues related to the planning of this industry.

The 2023 edition will take place on October 23th and 24th and will be held in a hybrid way at the Grand Hyatt Sao Paulo, with online transmission, enabling in-person and remote participation.


October, 23th, 2023

  • Geraldo Alckmin, Vice-President and Minister of Development, Industry, Trade and Services of Brazil, Brasilia, Brazil.

    Arthur Lira, President of the Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil.

    Fernando Bezerra Coelho, Former Senator of the Republic, Brasilia, Brazil.

    Zé Vitor, Federal Deputy, President of the Parliamentary Front in Defense of the Sugarcane-Ethanol Sector, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil.

    Arnaldo Jardim, Federal Deputy, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil.

    Fernando Coelho Filho, Federal Deputy, Former Minister of Mines and Energy, Brasilia, Brazil.

    Jean Paul Prates, President of Petrobrás, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Invited)

    Guilherme Piai Filizzola, Secretary of Agriculture and Supply of São Paulo State, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Roberto Perosa, Secretary of Commerce and International Relations, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA), Brasilia, Brazil.

    Sérgio Bortolozzo, President, Sociedade Rural Brasileira, Sao Paulo, Brasil.

    Evandro Gussi, President, UNICA, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Mário Campos Filho, President, Bioenergia Brasil and President, Siamig, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

    Robson de Andrade, President, CNI, Brasilia, Brazil. (Invited)

    João Martins, President, CNA, Brasilia, Brazil. (Invited)

    Josué Gomes da Silva, President, FIESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Invited)

    Paulo Leal, President, Federation of Brazilian Sugarcane Growers (Feplana), Brasilia, Brazil.

    Guilherme Piai, Executive Secretary of Agriculture and Supply of São Paulo State, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Gustavo Rattes, President, Organization of Cane Producers Associations in Brazil (ORPLANA), Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.

    Floriano Pesaro, Director of Corporate Management, ApexBrasil, Brasilia, Brazil.

    Sílvio Rangel, President, Bioind-MT and President, Federation of Industries of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso, Brazil.

    Cesário Ramalho da Silva, Agribusiness Coordinator, ACSP and Former President, SRB, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Mário Campos Filho, President, Bioenergia Brasil and President, Siamig, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.



    Luiz de Mendonça, President, Acelen, Salvador, Brazil.

    Bruno Serapião, President and CEO, Atvos, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Antonio Salibe, Executive President, UDOP, Araçatuba, Brazil.



    Guilherme Nastari, Director, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Bruno W. Freitas, Partner, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Henrique Brustolin, Equity Research Director, BTG Corretora, São Paulo, Brazil.



    Jose Orive, Executive Director, International Sugar Organization (ISO), London, UK.

  • Moderator:

    Arnaldo Jardim, Federal Deputy, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil.



    João Irineu Medeiros, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Stellantis, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

  • Speaker:

    Camila de Oliveira, Psychologist, Pensi Institute, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Speaker:

    Ambassador André Aranha Corrêa do Lago, Secretary of Climate, Energy, and Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federative Republic of Brazil, Brasilia, Brazil. (Invited)

  • Moderator:

    Alberto Carlos Bicca, Agricultural Engineer and Coordinator of Agribusiness, Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments, ApexBrasil, Brasilia, Brazil.



    Flávio Castellari, Executive Director, APLA – Brazil Bioenergy Solutions, Piracicaba, Brazil.

    Prof. Luis Augusto Barbosa Cortez, Full Professor, School of Agricultural Engineering – University of Campinas (FEAGRI-UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil.

    Prof. David Chiaramonti, Full Professor Bioenergy Conversion Technologies, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy. – Advanced Biofuels in the EU: Future Scenarios and Markets.

    Dr. Heitor Cantarella, Scientific Researcher, Agronomic Institute of Campinas (IAC), Campinas, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Valmir Barbosa, Partner, DATAGRO High Performance, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.



    César Barros, CEO, Center for Sugarcane Technology (CTC), Piracicaba, Brazil.

    Alexandre Landgraf, Director, Explante Biotechnology, Mogi Mirim, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Paulo Castilho, Director, DATAGRO High Performance, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.



    Eduardo Leão de Souza, President and CEO, Croplife Brasil, Brasilia, Brazil.

    Vinícius Lopes, Sugarcane Manager, Koppert, Piracicaba, Brazil.

    Marcelo Lopes, Director of Sales-Brazil, John Deere, Indaiatuba, Brazil.

    Tedson Azevedo, Market Manager, Grunner, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Host: 

    Guilherme Nastari, Director, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.



    Fernão Zancaner, Director, PAGRISA, Pará, Brazil.

    Otavio Lages Siqueira Filho, President, Jalles Machado S.A., São Paulo, Brazil.

    Paulo Trucco, Ethanol Commercial Director, Fueling Sustainability, São Paulo, Brasil.

    Fabio Venturelli, CEO, São Martinho, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Hugo Nery, President, Construtora Marquise – GNR Fortaleza Valorização de Biogás Ltda, São Paulo, Brazil. (Invited)

    Alexandre Pereira, Biodiesel Director, JBS, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Guilherme Nastari, Director, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.



    Marco Anton, Managing Partner, Nutristrahl, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Helder Gosling, CCO and Logistics Director, São Martinho S/A, Sao Paulo, Brazil.



    Bruno Cezar Leitão Trombelli, Commercial Director, Raízen, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Pietro Costantino, Commercial Director Sugar and Ethanol, Timbro Trading, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Thierry Songeur, Managing Director, Groupe Sucres & Denrées (Sucden), Paris, France.

  • Moderator:

    Cid Jorge Caldas, Coordinator of Sugarcane, Sugar, and Ethanol, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply, Brasilia, Brazil.



    Ricardo Hiroshi, Partner in Tax Consulting and Litigation, PK Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Mariane Pinhão, Founding Partner, PK Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

October, 24th, 2023

  • Moderator: 

    Roberto Perosa, Secretary of Commerce and International Relations, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA), Brasilia, Brazil.



    Dr. Fred Zeller, CEO, SZVG and Majority Shareholder, Suedzucker, Frankfurt, Germany.

    Marie Christine Ribera, Director-General, European Association of Sugar Manufactures (CEFS), Brussels, Belgium.

  • Speaker:

    Ambassador Roberto Carvalho de Azevêdo, former Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Salvador, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Carolina Grassi, Policy and Innovation Manager, The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB), La Châtelaine, Switzerland.



    José Magalhães Fernandes, Global Vice-President, Honeywell Performance Materials and Technologies & President PMT Latin America, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Agustín Torroba, International Specialist in Biofuels and Renewable Energies, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA-OAS), San Jose, Costa Rica.

    André Fernando Ferreira, Head of Agribusiness, SAP Latin America, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.



    Dr. Werther Annicchino, Former President of Copersucar, Capivari, Brazil.

    Dr. José Carlos Maranhão, President of the Santo Antonio Group, Maceio, Brazil.



    Amaury Pekelman, President of the Deliberative Council, BioSul, Campo Grande, Brazil.

    André Rocha, President, SIFAEG, Goiania, Brazil.

    Arlindo Farias, President, SONAL-RN, Natal, Brazil.

    Edmundo Coelho Barbosa, President, Sindalcool-PB, Joao Pessoa, Brazil.

    Evandro Gussi, President, UNICA, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Guilherme Nolasco, Executive President, UNEM, Cuiaba, Brazil.

    Hugo Cagno Filho, President, UDOP, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Luiz Carlos Queiroga Cavalcanti, President, Sindalcool-BA, Salvador, Brazil.

    Luiz Fernando Pereira de Melo, President, Sindaçúcar-PI, Piaui, Brazil.

    Mário Campos Filho, President, Bioenergia Brasil and President, Siamig, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

    Milton Santos Campelo da Silva, President, Sindicanálcool­-MA, Sao Luis, Brazil.

    Pedro Robério de Melo Nogueira, President, Sindaçúcar-AL, Maceio, Brazil.

    Renato Pontes Cunha, President, Sindaçúcar-PE, Executive President, Novabio and Vice-President of the Bioenergia Brasil, Recife, Brazil.

    Sílvio Rangel, President, Bioind-MT and President, Federation of Industries of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, São Paulo, Brasil.


    Annie Denny, Executive Director, World Sugar Research Organization (WSRO), London, UK.

  • Moderator:

    Hermelindo Oliveira, Director, DATAGRO Financial, Sao Paulo, Brazil.



    Marcelo Severi, General Manager, WEG Energia, Sertaozinho, Brazil.

    Piero Acco, Director, Air & Parts, Campinas, Brazil.

  • Moderator: 

    Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.



    Fernando Rodriguez Uslenghi, Country Manager, Control Union and Peterson Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator: 

    Guilherme Nastari, Director, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.



    Ernani Judice, Founder & CEO, Agrion, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Prof. Suani Coelho, Coordinator of the Bioenergy Research Group (GBIO), Institute of Energy and Environment of the University of São Paulo (IEE), Sao Paulo, Brazil.



    Prof. Julio Romano Meneghini, Scientific Director, Research Center for Greenhouse Gas Innovation of the University of São Paulo (RCGI), Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Roberto Matarazzo Braun, Director of Government Relations, TOYOTA BRAZIL, Sorocaba, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Carolina Troster, Partner, DATAGRO Financial, Sao Paulo, Brazil.



    Luciano Cardoso, Superintendent of Agroculture, Food, and Beverages, Marsh Brazil, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.

    Mauro Mattoso, Head of the Agri-food and Biofuels Department, BNDES, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    Alessandro Correia, Partner and Head of Agribusiness, Vectis Gestão, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Renato Sucupira, President, BF Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Geraldo Alckmin

Vice President of the Republic and Minister (MDIC)

Arthur Lira

President, Câmara dos Deputados (Lower House in the Brazilian Congress)

Roberto Perosa

Secretary of International Relations, MAPA.

Cid Jorge Caldas

Coordinator of Sugarcane, Sugar and Ethanol, MAPA

Fernando Bezerra Coelho

Former Senator of the Republic

Arnaldo Jardim

Federal Deputy, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil.

Fernando Coelho Filho

Federal Deputy and Former Minister of Mines and Energy

Guilherme Piai Filizzola

Secretary of Agriculture and Supply of the State of São Paulo

Zé Vitor

Federal Deputy, President of the Parliamentary Front of Ethanol, Chamber of Deputies

Agustín Torroba

International Specialist in Biofuels and Renewable Energies, IICA-OAS

Annie Denny

Executive Director, WSRO, World Sugar Research Organization

Carolina Grassi

Policy and Innovation Manager, RSB

Prof. David Chiaramonti

Full Professor of Systems for Energy and Environment and Energy Economics, Politecnico di Torino

Dr. Fred Zeller

CEO of SZVG and Majority Shareholder, Suedzucker.

José Orive

Executive Director, ISO

Marie Christine Ribera

Director-General, European Association of Sugar Manufactures (CEFS)

Thierry Songeur

Managing Director, Groupe Sucres & Denrées (Sucden)

Alberto Carlos Bicca

Agricultural Engineer and Coordinator of Agribusiness, ApexBrasil

Alessandro Correia

Partner, Vectis

Alexandre Landgraf

Director, Explante Biotecnologia

Amaury Pekelman

Executive President, Biosul

André Fernando Ferreira

Head of Agribusiness, SAP Latin America

André Rocha

Executive President, SIFAEG.

Antonio Salibe

Executive President, UDOP

Arlindo Farias

President, Sonal-RN

Bruno Cezar Leitão Trombelli

Commercial Director, Raízen

Bruno W. Freitas

Partner, DATAGRO

Bruno Serapião

President and CEO, Atvos

Camila de Oliveira

Psychologist, Instituto Pensi

Carolina Troster de Hollanda

Partner, DATAGRO Financial

César Barros

CEO, Sugarcane Technology Center (CTC)

Cesário Ramalho

Former President of SRB, Agrobusiness Counsil Coordinator, ACSP

Edmundo Coelho Barbosa

President, Sindálcool-PB

Eduardo Leão

President and CEO, Croplife Brazil

Ernani Judice

Founder & CEO, Agrion

Evandro Gussi 1.0

President, UNICA

Fábio Venturelli

CEO, São Martinho

Fernão Zancaner

Director, PAGRISA

Fernando Rodriguez Uslenghi

Regional Director, Control Union North America

Flavio Castellari

Specialist in Access to International Markets

Floriano Pesaro

Director of Corporate Management, ApexBrasil

Guilherme Nastari

Director, DATAGRO

Guilherme Nolasco

Executive President, UNEM

Gustavo Rattes

President, Orplana

Dr. Heitor Cantarella

Scientific researcher, Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC)

Helder Gosling

CCO and Logistics Director, São Martinho S/A

Henrique Brustolin

Equity Research Director, BTG Corretora

Hermelindo Ruete de Oliveira

Partner, DATAGRO Financial

Hugo Cagno Filho

President, UDOP

João Irineu Medeiros

Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Stellantis

José Carlos Maranhão

Former President, ANAPA

José Magalhães Fernandes

Global Vice-President, Honeywell Performance Materials and Technologies & President PMT Latin America

Prof. Julio Romano Meneghini

Scientific Director, Research Centre for Gas Innovation (RCGI)

Luciano Cardoso

Regional Superintendent, Marsh Brasil

Prof. Luis Augusto Barbosa Cortez

Full Professor, FEAGRI-UNICAMP

Luiz de Mendonça

President, Acelen

Luiz Fernando Pereira de Melo

President, Sindaçúcar-PI

Marcelo Lopes

Sales Director in Brazil, John Deere

Marcelo Severi

General Manager, WEG Energia

Marco Anton

Managing Partner, Nutristrahl

Mariane Pinhão

Founder & Partner, PK advogados.

Mário Campos Filho

Executive President, Siamig e Bioenergia Brasil

Mauro Mattoso

Head of the Biofuels Deartment, BNDES

Milton Santos Campelo da Silva

President, Sindicanálcool­-MA

Otávio Lage Siqueira Filho

President, Jalles Machado S.A.

Paulo Castilho

Director, DATAGRO High Performance

Paulo Leal

President, Feplana

Pedro Robério de Melo Nogueira

Vice President, COAGRO-CNI

Piero Acco

Director, Air & Parts

Pietro Constantino

Commercial Director for Sugar and Ethanol, Timbro Trading

Plinio Nastari

President, DATAGRO

Renato Pontes Cunha

President, Sindaçúcar-PE

Renato Sucupira

President, BF CAPITAL

Ricardo Hiroshi

Tax Litigation and Consulting Partner, PK Advogados

Roberto Matarazzo Braun

Government & Regulatory Affairs Director, Toyota do Brasil

Sérgio Bortolozzo

President, Sociedade Rural Brasileira (SRB)

Sílvio Rangel

President, FIEMT

Prof. Suani Coelho

Coordinator of the Bioenergy Research Group (GBIO), IEE

Tedson Azevedo

Market Manager, Grunner

Valmir Barbosa

Partner, DATAGRO High Performance

Vinícius Lopes

Sugarcane Commercial Manager, Koppert Biological Systems

Werther Annicchino

Former President, Copersucar

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