May 4th,

583 Park Avenue
583 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065
About the event
Aiming to discuss the main issues of the global Sugar and Ethanol industries, the International Sugar Organization (ISO), alongside CITI and DATAGRO, will hold the 16th edition of the CITI ISO DATAGRO New York Sugar & Ethanol Conference on May 4th, 2023 at the 583 Park Avenue – New York, USA.
Since its very first edition, the conference is recognized as the official technical event of the New York Sugar Dinner and has become an established tradition in the global sugar and ethanol community.
The event will gather renowned experts and influential players of the sector, alongside financial specialists to discuss important topics related to the commodity and the biofuel as well as their perspectives for the coming years.
May 4th, 2023
José Orive, Executive Director, ISO – International Sugar Organization, London, UK.
Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Marcelo Marangon, President, Citi, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Ernesto Revilla, Chief Economist for Latin America, Citi, New York, USA.
Mário Campos Filho, President, Sugar International Forum and Siamig, Brasilia, Brazil.
Pablo Di Si, President & CEO, Volkswagen North America, Washington, USA.
José Orive, Executive Director, ISO – International Sugar Organization, London, UK.
Guilherme Nastari, Director, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Evandro Gussi, President, UNICA, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Edgar Herrera, Executive Director, LAICA, San Jose, Costa Rica.
Kevin Price, Director of Government Affairs, American Crystal Sugar Company, Washington, USA.
Rob Johansson, Director of Economics and Policy Analysis, American Sugar Alliance, Washington, USA.
Vidalina Abadam, Agricultural Economist, US Department of Agriculture, Washington, USA.
Pedro Robério de Mello Nogueira, Vice President, COAGRO/CNI, Maceio, Brazil.
Arnaldo Jardim, Congressman and President, Legislative Front to Foster the Sugar and Ethanol Industry, Brasilia, Brazil.
Zé Vitor, Congressman and President, Parlamentary Front for the Valorization of the Sugar Energy Sector, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil.
Adalnio Senna Ganem, Consul of Brazil in New York, Consulate General of Brazil in New York, New York, USA.
Ciro Nogueira, Senator and President of the Progressistas Party, Piaui, Brazil.
Fábio Mitidieri, Governor of Sergipe, Sergipe, Brazil.
Helder Barbalho, Governor of Para, Para, Brazil
Arthur Lira, President of the Chamber of Deputies, Brasília, Brazil.
Paulo Garcia, Director, Vital Commodities, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Jeremy Austin, General Director, Sucden, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Rodrigo Ostanello, Americas Head of Sugar, ED&F Man, Miami, USA.
Michael McDougall, Managing Director, Paragon Global Markets LLC, New York, USA.
André Cury, Head Citi Commercial Bank for Brazil and Latin America, Citi, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Jens Ole Madsen, Head of Business Development PtX, European Energy A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Monica Saraiva Panik, Director Institutional Relations ABH2, Brazilian Hydrogen Association, Mentor Hydrogen, SAE Brasil, Holzmaden, Germany.
Manoel Antonio Avelino, VP Power Investments, 2W Ecobank, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Carolina Troster, Partner, DATAGRO Financial, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Monica Navarrete, Senior Investment Officer, Inter – American Development Bank, Washington, USA.
Alexandre Castanheira, Head of Debt Capital Markets, Citi, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Mark W. Gross, Managing Director, Bentley Securities Corporation, New York, USA.
Carlos Mendoza, Regional Director, Peterson Projects and Solutions, Mexico City, Mexico.

Arthur Lira
President, Câmara dos Deputados (Lower House in the Brazilian Congress)

Adalnio Senna Ganem
Consul of Brazil in New York, Consulate General of Brazil in New York

Alexandre Castanheira
Head of Debt Capital Markets, Citi

André Cury
Head of Commercial Bank, Citi

Arnaldo Jardim
Federal Deputy, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil.

Carlos Mendoza
Regional Director, Peterson Projects and Solutions

Carolina Troster de Hollanda
Partner, DATAGRO Financial

Edgar Herrera
Executive Director, LAICA

Ernesto Revilla
Chief Economist for Latin America, Citi

Evandro Gussi
President, UNICA

Guilherme Nastari
Director, DATAGRO

Jens Ole Madsen
Head Of Business Development PtX, European Energy

Jeremy Austin
General Director, Sucden Brazil

José Orive
Executive Director, ISO

Kevin Price
Director of Government Affairs, American Crystal Sugar Company

Mark W. Gross
Managing Director, Bentley Securities Corporation

Marcelo Marangon
President, Citi

Mário Campos Filho
Executive President, Siamig e Bioenergia Brasil

Michael McDougall
Managing Director, Paragon Global Markets

Monica Navarrete
Senior Investment Officer, Inter-American Development Bank

Monica Saraiva Panik
Director Institutional Relations ABH2, Brazilian Hydrogen Association

Pablo Di Si
President & CEO, Volkswagen North America

Paulo Garcia
President, Vital Corretora

Pedro Robério de Melo Nogueira
Vice President, COAGRO-CNI

Plinio Nastari
President, DATAGRO

Rob Johansson
Director of Economics and Policy Analysis, American Sugar Alliance

Rodrigo Ostanello
Americas Head of Sugar, ED&F Man Sugar Ltd.

Vidalina Abadam
Agricultural Economist, US Department of Agriculture

Zé Vitor
Federal Deputy, President of the Parliamentary Front of Ethanol, Chamber of Deputies

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