August 27 and 28th,

Gran Odara Hotel
Av. Miguel Sutil, 8344 - Ribeirão da Ponte, Cuiabá - Mato Grosso, 78040-400
About the event
The DATAGRO Opening Crop – Soybean, Corn, and Cotton is the event that marks the planning kickoff for the Brazilian grain and fiber sectors, with the opening of the annual crops of each culture.
Gathering representatives from the production and commercial chain, including producers, cooperatives, industry, banks, and input companies, the program focuses on strategic content related to production and trade, exploring all the fundamental conditions for making strategic decisions in these sectors for the upcoming year.
Scheduled to be held in person, the 5th DATAGRO Opening Crop – Soybean, Corn, and Cotton is set for August 27 and 28, 2024, in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso.
In its last edition, the 4th event brought together over 50 speakers, more than 400 participants, and featured 12 hours of content.
August 27th, 2024
Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Gustavo Herrmann, Commercial Director, Koppert, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Mauro Mendes Ferreira, Governor, Government of the State of Mato Grosso, Cuiaba, Brazil. (Invited)
Luciane Bertinatto Copetti, Deputy Secretary of the Environment, State Department of the Environment of Mato Grosso, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Alexandre Pedro Schenkel, President, Abrapa, Brasilia, Brazil.
Guilherme Nolasco, Executive President, UNEM, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Cidinho Santos, Former Senator, Federal Senate, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Francielle Tonietto Capilé Guedes, Regional Superintendent of Conab in Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Brazil. (Invited)
Fábio Júnior Maia Pereira, Deputy Municipal Secretary, Secretaria Municipal de Agricultura, Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Econômico, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Isan Rezende, President, Federação dos Engenheiros Agrônomos do Estado de Mato Grosso (FEAGRO-MT), Cuiaba, Brazil.
Flávio França Jr., Economist and Head of Research of Grains, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Marcelo Duarte, Director of International Relations, Abrapa, Brasilia, Brazil.
Fernando Pauli de Bastiani, Research Analyst, ESALQ-LOG, Piracicaba, Brazil.
Alexandre Dal Forno, IoT & 5G Marketing Development Director, TIM Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Eudis Furtado Filho, Vice President of Commercial and Business Development, Rumo Logística, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Gabriel Fonseca, General Manager of Grains and Fertilizers, VLI Logística, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Thomé Luiz Guth, Operational Logistics Superintendent, Conab, Brasilia, Brazil.
Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Guilherme Nolasco, Executive President, UNEM, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Luciana Portellinha, Business Development Manager, Ipiranga, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Mário Campos Filho, Executive President, Siamig and Bioenergia Brasil, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Cidinho Santos, Former Senator, Federal Senate, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Daniel Goulart, Executive Manager of Biodiesel and Tallow Origination, Minerva Foods, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Donizete Tokarski, CEO, Ubrabio, Brasilia, Brazil.
Rodrigo Prosdócimo Pansera Guerra, President Director , Bio Óleo, President, Sindicato dos Produtores de Biodiesel do Estado do Mato Grosso (Sindibio-MT), Cuiaba, Brazil.
Samuel Rocha, Analyst, DATAGRO Markets, Recife, Brazil.
Fernando Rodrigues, Co Founder, Rural Ventures, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Sávio Ferreira, Country Manager Brasil, Aminochem, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
August 28th, 2024
Felipe Soares, Climate and Geoprocessing Analyst, DATAGRO, Campinas, Brazil.
Cristiano Oliveira, Executive Director, Banco Pine, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Giovana Cavalca, Grain Analyst, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Pedro Regoto, Technical Manager, Climatempo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
João Otávio de Assis Figueiredo, Economist and Research Leader aof Livestock, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Amarildo Merotti, Director, Comercial da Roça, Caceres, Brazil.
Daniel Sarmento, Commercial Manager, Inpasa Agroindustrial, Sinop, Brazil.
Marcelo Duarte, Director of International Relations, Abrapa, Brasilia, Brazil.
Alexandre Pedro Schenkel, President, Abrapa, Brasilia, Brazil.
Fernando Pimentel, Emeritus President, Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil (ABIT), Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Rodrigo Santiago, President of the Cotton Brokers Board, BBM, Brasilia, Brazil.
Mayra Theis, Lider of TAX Agribusiness, PwC Brasil, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.
Cesar Redondo, Tax Consultant, Deloitte, Campinas, Brazil.
Eduardo Lourenço, Partner, Maneira Advogados and Tax Consultant, IPA, Brasilia, Brazil.
Rogério Luiz Gallo, State Secretary, Secretariat of Finance of the State of Mato Grosso, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Carolina Troster, Partner, DATAGRO Financial, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Adriano Araújo, Finance Director and ESG, Agro Amazônia, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Daniel Latorraca Ferreira, Founder and COO, Creditares, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Fabio Mazzo, Partner – Investment Banking, XP Inc., Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Renata Brito, Director, Control Union, São Paulo, Brazil.
Bruno W. Freitas, Partner, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Cleiton Gauer, Superintendent, Instituto Mato-Grossense de Economia Agropecuária (IMEA), Cuiaba, Brazil.
Edeon Vaz Ferreira, Executive Director of the Pro-Logistics Movement of Mato Grosso, Aprosoja, Brasilia, Brazil.

Adriano Araújo
Finance Director and ESG, Agro Amazônia

Alexandre Dal Forno
IoT & 5G Director, TIM Brasil

Alexandre Pedro Schenkel
President, Abrapa

Amarildo Merotti
Director, Comercial da Roça

Bruno Wanderley Freitas
Content Leader, DATAGRO

Carolina Troster de Hollanda
Partner, DATAGRO Financial

Cidinho Santos
Former Senator

Cesar Redondo
Tax Consultant, Deloitte

Cleiton Gauer
Superintendent, IMEA

Cristiano Oliveira
Executive Director, Banco Pine

Daniel Goulart
Executive Manager of Biodiesel and Tallow Origination, Minerva Foods

Daniel Latorraca Ferreira
Founder and COO, Creditares

Daniel Sarmento
Commercial Manager, Inpasa

Donizete Tokarski
CEO, Ubrabio

Edeon Vaz Ferreira
Executive Director of the Pro-Logistics Movement of Mato Grosso, Aprosoja

Eduardo Lourenço
Partner, Maneira Advogados and Tax Consultant, IPA.

Eudis Furtado Filho
Vice President of Commercial and Business Development, Rumo Logística

Fabio Mazzo
Partner - Investment Banking, XP Inc.

Felipe Soares
Climate and Geoprocessing Analyst, DATAGRO

Fernando Pimentel
Emeritus President, ABIT

Fernando Pauli de Bastiani
Analyst of Research, ESALQ-LOG

Fernando Rodrigues
Founder Partner, Rural Ventures

Flávio França Jr.
Economist and Head of Research Grains, DATAGRO

Fábio Júnior Maia Pereira
Deputy Municipal Secretary, Secretaria Municipal de Agricultura, Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Econômico

Francielle Tonietto Capilé Guedes
Regional Superintendent of Conab in Mato Grosso.

Gabriel Fonseca
Commercial General Manager, VLI Logística

Giovana Cavalca
Grain Analyst, DATAGRO

Guilherme Nolasco
Executive President, UNEM

Gustavo Herrmann
Commercial Director, Koppert

Isan Rezende
President, FEAGRO-MT

João Otávio de Assis Figueiredo
Research Leader, DATAGRO Livestock

Luciana Portellinha
Business Development Manager, Ipiranga

Luciane Bertinatto Copetti
Deputy Secretary of the Environment of Mato Grosso

Marcelo Duarte
Director of International Relations, Abrapa

Mário Campos Filho
Executive President, Siamig e Bioenergia Brasil

Mayra Theis
Lider of TAX Agribusiness, PwC Brasil.

Pedro Regoto
Technical Manager, Climatempo

Plinio Nastari
President, DATAGRO

Renata Brito
Director, Control Union

Rodrigo Prosdócimo Pansera Guerra
President Director, Bio Óleo, President, Sindicato dos Produtores de Biodiesel do Estado do Mato Grosso (Sindibio-MT)

Rodrigo Santiago
President of the Cotton Brokers Board, BBM

Rogério Luiz Gallo
State Secretary of Mato Grosso

Samuel Rocha
Analyst, DATAGRO Markets

Sávio Ferreira
Country Manager Brasil, Aminochem

Thomé Luiz Guth
Operational Logistics Superintendent, Conab

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