April 3rd,

Gran Odara Hotel
Av. Miguel Sutil, 8344 - Ribeirão da Ponte, Cuiabá - Mato Grosso, 78040-400
About the event
Following the success of the first edition, the 2nd UNEM DATAGRO International Conference on Corn Ethanol returns in 2025 with a renewed focus on technology, innovation and sustainability.
The event will bring together industry leaders, grain producers, investors and authorities to explore the growing role of corn ethanol in Brazil’s energy matrix.
The conference will cover everything, from the latest technological and animal feed innovations to debates on public policy and market trends — providing a new strategic environment for the development of the sector in Brazil.
April 03rd, 2025
Guilherme Nolasco, Executive President, UNEM, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Alexandre Silveira, Minister, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Brasilia, Brazil. (Invited)
Carlos Fávaro, Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Brasilia, Brazil. (Invited)
Mauro Mendes, Governor, Government of the State of Mato Grosso, Cuiaba, Brazil. (Invited)
Jayme Veríssimo de Campos, Senator, Federal Senate, Brasilia, Brazil. (Invited)
Wellington Fagundes, Senator, Federal Senate, Brasilia, Brazil. (Invited)
Pedro Lupion, Federal Deputy and President of the Parliamentary Agricultural Front, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil. (Invited)
Arnaldo Jardim, Federal Deputy and President of the Parliamentary Front for the Valorization of the Sugar-Energy Sector, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil. (Invited)
Sergio Souza, Federal Deputy, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil. (Invited)
Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Alexandre Silveira, Minister, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Brasilia, Brazil. (Invited)
Arnaldo Jardim, Federal Deputy and President of the Parliamentary Front for the Valorization of the Sugar-Energy Sector, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil.
Rafael Abud, CEO, FS Fueling Sustainability, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Rafael Ceconello, Director of Regulatory and Government Affairs, Toyota in Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Marcel Moreira, Assistant Secretary for Trade and International Relations, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Brasilia, Brazil.
Deepak Balani, Executive Director, ISMA, Gurgaon, India. (Invited)
Fernando Alberto Gomes da Costa, Sea and War Captain, Brazilian Navy, Member of the Executive Secretariat of CCA-IMO, International Maritime Organization, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Gerard J. Ostheimer, Head of Secretariat, CEM Biofuture Campaign, Washington, United States of America. (Invited)
Marcelo Rezende Bernardes, Superintendent of Governance and Environment, Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC), Brasilia, Brazil.
Guilherme Nolasco, Executive President, UNEM, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Daniel Ruschel, Business Development Analyst, ICM Inc, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Deia Vilela, Vice President, Health & Biosciences, IFF, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fabrício Rocha, Commercial Operations Director, Novonesis, Curitiba, Brazil.
Fernanda Firmino, Vice President of Biofuels for South America, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits, Atlanta, United States of America.
Shrikant Subhash Rathi, Regional Head of the Americas, Praj Industries, Houston, United States of America.
Christopher Davies Junior, Sustainability Director, Inpasa Brasil, Sinop, Brazil.
Gabriel Viana, Production Systems Manager |Milho, Soja, Algodão, John Deere, Indaiatuba, Brazil.
Juliana Albertengo, Business Development and Carbon Alliances Manager, BAYER, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Invited)
Luciane Chiodi Bachion, Partner and Senior Researcher, Agroícone, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Thierry Couto, Project Coordinator, BENRI Biomass Energy Research Institute, Piracicaba, Brasil.
Andréa Veríssimo, Director of International Relations and Communication, UNEM, Cuiaba, Brazil.
Flávio Portela Santos, Full Professor, Department of Animal Science, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture ESALQ-USP, Cesário Lange, Brasil.
Gabriel Fonseca, Commercial General Manager, VLI Logística, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Hugo Caruso, Director, Divop – SDA, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA), Brasilia, Brazil.
Jhones Sarturi, Associate Professor, Texas Tech University Lubbock, United States of America. (Invited)
Juan Diaz, Deputy Regional Director for Latin America, U.S. Grains Council, Colombia. (Invited)
Carolina Troster, Partner, DATAGRO Financial, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Guilherme Novaes Theodoro, Agribusiness Credit Manager – Sugar & Ethanol and Tradings, Itaú BBA, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Mauro Mattoso, Head of Department – Agri-Food Complex and Biofuels, BNDES, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Thiago Callegari L. Duarte, Head of Equity Research, BTG Pactual, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Andréa Veríssimo
Director of International Relations and Communication, UNEM

Arnaldo Jardim
Federal Deputy, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil.

Carolina Troster de Hollanda
Partner, DATAGRO Financial

Christopher Davies Junior
Sustainability Director, Inpasa Brasil

Daniel Ruschel
Business Development Analyst, ICM Inc

Deia Vilela
Vice President, Health & Biosciences, IFF

Fabrício Rocha
Commercial Operations Director, Novonesis

Fernanda Firmino
Vice President of Biofuels for South America, Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits

Fernando Alberto Gomes da Costa
Sea and War Captain, Brazilian Navy, Member of the Executive Secretariat of CCA-IMO, International Maritime Organization

Flávio Portela Santos
Full Professor, Department of Animal Science, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture ESALQ-USP

Gabriel Fonseca
Commercial General Manager, VLI Logística

Gabriel Viana
Production Systems Manager | Milho, Soja, Algodão, John Deere

Guilherme Novaes Theodoro
Agribusiness Credit Manager - Sugar & Ethanol and Tradings, Itaú BBA

Hugo Caruso
Director, Divop - SDA, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA)

Luciane Chiodi Bachion
Partner and Senior Researcher, Agroícone

Marcel Moreira
Assistant Secretary for Trade and International Relations, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock

Marcelo Rezende Bernardes
Superintendent of Governance and Environment, Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil - ANAC

Mauro Arnaud de Queiros Mattoso
Head of the Agrifood and Biofuels Complex Department, BNDES

Plinio Nastari
President, DATAGRO

Rafael Abud
CEO, FS Fueling Sustainability

Roberto Braun
Director of Corporate Communications and ESG, Toyota do Brasil

Shrikant Subhash Rathi
Regional Head of the Americas, Praj Industries

Thiago Callegari L. Duarte
Head Equity Research, BTG Pactual

Thierry Couto
Project Coordinator, BENRI Biomass Energy Research Institute

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