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25th & 26th
October, 2021

Hybrid event format, for a few guests attending in person and with a live broadcast transmission

21st International DATAGRO Conference on Sugar and Ethanol 2021

Since 2001 DATAGRO has held its traditional International DATAGRO Conference on Sugar and Ethanol, an opportunity in which leaders of all links of the production chain, marketing and finance of the agribusiness sector meet to discuss and plan their future.


The 21st edition will have as central theme “On the Road to Sustainable Mobility” and will be held on the 25th & 26th of October, and will be delivered in a hybrid event format, for 150 guests attending in person and with a live broadcast content for those attending remotely.


The sugar-energy sector will be represented through its main stakeholders, and this will be an opportunity to discuss the continuity of its integration with the automotive, energy and environmental sectors.


Additional diversification routes, their growing environmental sustainability, investments in advanced motorizations and their role in mitigating global warming are some of the topics that will be discussed with experts on the eve of Glasgow’s COP26.


Costs and competitiveness, the challenge of growth, climate impacts, new sources of finance such as FIAGRO, and the valorization of ethanol as energy for transportation are some of the challenges and opportunities to be discussed.


Save the date for #DATAGROSP21.


We will be very honored with your participation.


October, 25th, 2021

    • Arthur Lira, President, Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, Brazil.


    • Minister Bento Albuquerque, Ministry of Mines and Energy – MME, Brasília, Brazil.


    • Marcelo Campos Ometto, Board Member, São Martinho Group, Council Chairman of UNICA, Vice President of FIESP, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.


    • Pedro Robério de Melo Nogueira, President, SINDAÇÚCAR-AL, Maceió Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    André Rocha, President, Sifaeg, Goiânia Brazil.



    • Luis Pogetti, Chairman of the board of Directors of Copersucar S.A and, CTC and Alvean, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • Pablo Di Si, President, VW Latin America, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Mario Campos Filho, President of SIAMIG, President of FNS, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.



    • “Motorization options for sustainable mobility” Luiz Carlos Moraes, President, ANFAVEA, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • “Hydrogen” Daniel Lopes, Director, Hytron, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • Ricardo Abe, Sr Product Development Manager, Nissan do Brasil, Curitiba, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, São Paulo, Brazil.



    • “Hybrids and fuel cells using ethanol” Rafael Chang, President, Toyota Brazil, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • “The potential of biomethane in heavy duty vehicles” Christopher Podgorski, President, Scania Latin America, São Bernardo do Campo, Brasil.


    • Henry Joseph Jr., Technical Director, ANFAVEA, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Henrique Vianna Amorim, Council Chairman, Fermentec, Piracicaba, Brazil.



    • Itamar Borges, Secretary of Agriculture of São Paulo State, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • “Second Generation (2G) ethanol expansion” Ricardo Mussa, CEO, Raízen, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • Rodrigo Alandia, Product Marketing Director – Latin America, Case IH, Sorocaba, Brazil.

  • Keynote Speaker 1: Minister Joaquim Álvaro Pereira Leite, Minister of the Environment, Ministry of the Environment, Brasília, Brazil.



    • Evandro Gussi, President, UNICA, São Paulo, Brazil.



    • Renato Godinho, Chairperson, Biofuture Platform, Brasília, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Ana Paula Malvestio, Partner, PwC, São Paulo, Brazil.




    • “Income distribution and Education” Edmundo Barbosa, President, SINDALCOOL, Paraíba, Brazil.


    • Samanta Pineda, Founder Partner, Pineda & Krahn Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • William Yassume Yassumoto, Regional President, Novozymes, Curitiba, Brazil.


    • Leisa Souza, Director of Agro Project, CBI, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Speakers:


    • Mariane Pinhão, Founding Partner, PK Advogados, São Paulo, Brasil.


    • Ricardo Hiroshi, Partner responsible for tax consulting and litigation, PK Advogados, São Paulo, Brasil.

  • Moderator:

    Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, São Paulo, Brazil.



    • Amaury Pekelman, President, UDOP, São Paulo, Brazil.
    • André Rocha, President, Sifaeg, Goiânia, Brazil.
    • Arlindo Farias, President, SONAL – RN, Natal, Brazil.
    • Cintia Ticianelli, President, SINDICANALCOOL – MA, São Luis do Maranhão, Brazil.
    • Edmundo Barbosa, President, SINDALCOOL – PB, João Pessoa, Brazil.
    • Evandro Gussi, President, UNICA, São Paulo, Brazil.
    • Mario Campos Filho, President of SIAMIG, President of FNS, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
    • Miguel Rubens Tranin, President, ALCOPAR, Curitiba, Brazil.
    • Pedro Robério de Melo Nogueira, President, SINDAÇÚCAR – AL, Maceió, Brazil.
    • Renato Pontes Cunha, President, SINDAÇÚCAR – PE, Recife, Brazil.
    • Roberto Hollanda Filho, President, Biosul, Campo Grande, Brazil.
    • Silvio Pereira Rangel, SINDALCOOL – MT, Cuiabá, Brazil.

October, 26th, 2021

  • Speakers:

    • Minister Tereza Cristina Corrêa da Costa Dias, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply – MAPA, Brasília, Brazil. (Video)


    • Renato Pontes Cunha, President, SINDAÇÚCAR-PE, Recife, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Flavio Castellari, Executive Director, APLA, Piracicaba, Brazil.



    • Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, São Paulo, Brazil.


    Keynote Speaker 2:

    • José Orive, Executive Director, ISO – International Sugar Organization, London, United Kingdom.




    • Abinash Verma, Executive Director, ISMA – Indian Sugar Millers Association, New Delhi, India.


    • Rangsit Hiangrat, Executive Director, TSMC – Thai Sugar Millers Corporation, Bangkok, Thailand.


    • Robert Johansson, Director of Economics and Policy Analysis, ASA – American Sugar Alliance, Viginia, USA.


  • Moderator:

    Ivan Melo Filho, Partnet, DATAGRO Financial, São Paulo, Brazil.



    • Enrico Biancheri, Commercial Director, Biosev, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • Jeremy Austin, General Director, Sucden Brazil, São Paulo, Brazil. (invited)


    • Michael Schaupp, Managing Director, COO e Chief Sales Officer, Pfeifer & Langen, Cologne, Germany.


    • Michael McDougall, Managing Director, Paragon Global Markets, Morrisville, USA. (invited)

  • Moderator:

    Jucelino Souza, Business Coach, Bioenergética Aroeira, Natal, Brazil.




    • Gustavo Segantini, Sales, Marketing and Logistics Director, Tereos, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • Marcelo Alecrim, CEO, Alesat, São Paulo, Brazil. (invited)


  • Moderator:

    Carolina Troster de Hollanda, Partner, DATAGRO Financial, São Paulo, Brazil.



    • Leandro Aranha, President, Geoflorestas, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • Matheus Zilioti, Partner, Santos Neto Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Moderator:

    Guilherme Nastari, Director, DATAGRO Financial, São Paulo, Brazil.



    • Mauro Mattoso, Department Chief, Agri-food and Biofuels Complex, BNDES, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


    • “FIAGRO” Alexandre Aoude, Sócio, Vectis, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • Pedro Fernandes, Agribusiness Director, Itaú BBA, São Paulo, Brasil.

  • Moderator:

    Tercio Dalla Vecchia, CEO, Reunion Engenharia, São Paulo, Brazil.



    • Rafael Abud, CEO, FS Bioenergia, São Paulo, Brazil.


    • “Integration of Cane and Corn” Aparício Jorge Bezerra, Operations Director, Lucas E3, Curitiba, Brazil.


    • Rafael Ranzolin, CEO, INPASA, Paraguai. (invited)


  • Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO, São Paulo, Brazil.


Arthur Lira

President, Câmara dos Deputados (Lower House in the Brazilian Congress)

Minister Bento Albuquerque

Ministry of Mines and Energy

Minister Joaquim Álvaro Pereira Leite

Ministry of Environment

Minister Tereza Cristina Corrêa da Costa Dias

Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply - MAPA

Abinash Verma

General Director, Indian Sugar Mills Association

Alexandre Aoude

Partner, Vectis

Amaury Pekelman

Executive President, Biosul

Ana Paula Malvestio

Board Counsel and Auditor

André Rocha

Executive President, SIFAEG.

Aparício Bezerra

Director of Operations for South America - Lucas E3, LLC

Arlindo Farias

President, Sonal-RN

Carolina Troster de Hollanda

Partner, DATAGRO Financial

Christopher Podgorski

President and CEO, Scania Latin America

Cintia Ticianelli


Daniel Lopes Hytron

Director, Hytron

Edmundo Coelho Barbosa

President, Sindálcool-PB

Evandro Gussi

President, UNICA

Flavio Castellari

Specialist in Access to International Markets

Guilherme Nastari

Director, DATAGRO

Gustavo Leite Segantini

Sales, Marketing and Logistics, Tereos

Henrique Viana Amorim

Board Chairman, Fermentec

Henry Joseph Jr

Director of Sustainability and Strategic and Institutional Partnerships, ANFAVEA

Itamar Borges

State Deputy, State of São Paulo

Jeremy Austin

General Director, Sucden Brazil

José Orive

Executive Director, ISO

Jucelino Sousa

Business Coach, Bioenergética Aroeira S.A.

Leandro Aranha

President, Geoflorestas

Leisa Souza

Head of CBI, Latin America

Luis Roberto Pogetti

President of the Board of Directors of Copersucar, Alvean and CTC

Luiz Carlos Moraes

President, Anfavea

Marcelo Ometto

Member of Board São Martinho, Chairman of Board of ÚNICA, Vice President FIESP

Mariane Pinhão

Founder, PK Advogados

Mário Campos Filho

Executive President, Siamig e Bioenergia Brasil

Marlon Arraes

Ethanol General Coordinator, MME

Matheus Zilioti

Partner, Santos Neto Advogados

Mauro Arnaud de Queiros Mattoso

Head of the Agrifood and Biofuels Complex Department, BNDES

Michael Schaupp

Managing Director / COO / Chief Sales Officer, Pfeifer & Langen

Michael McDougall

Managing Director, Paragon Global Markets

Miguel Rubens Tranin

President, Alcopar

Pablo Di Si

President & CEO, Volkswagen North America

Pedro Fernandes

Head of Agribusiness Department, Itaú BBA

Pedro Robério de Melo Nogueira

Vice President, COAGRO-CNI

Plinio Nastari

President, DATAGRO

Rafael Abud

CEO, FS Bioenergia

Rafael Chang

President, Toyota do Brasil

Rangsit Hiangrat

Executive Director, Thai Sugar Millers Corporation

Renato Domith Godinho

Chairperson, Biofuture Platform

Renato Pontes Cunha

President, Sindaçúcar-PE

Ricardo Abe

Sr Product Development Manager, Nissan do Brasil

Ricardo Hiroshi

Tax Litigation and Consulting Partner, PK Advogados

Ricardo Mussa

CEO, Raízen

Rob Johansson

Director of Economics and Policy Analysis, American Sugar Alliance

Roberto Hollanda Filho

President, BIOSUL

Rodrigo Alandia

Product Marketing Director - Latin America

Samanta Pineda

Founder Partner, Pineda & Krahn Advogados

Sílvio Rangel

President, FIEMT

Tércio Dalla Vechia

CEO, Reunion Engenharia

William Yassumoto

Regional President, Novozymes

Registration will be available soon

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